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अपने पसंदीदा स्वादों की खरीदारी करें

Pineapple Oasis Hot Sauce

Medium heat sweet sauce. Aji Lemon peppers mixed with pineapple, ginger and roasted yellow bell peppers. Heat level 3/5


Close your eyes and let this sauce take you on a tropical journey. The first taste will be one of pineapple with a hint of coconut. Then you get a little savoriness from the roasted yellow bell peppers. Last but not least, the Aji Lemon Drop peppers kick in to make you feel like you're laying on a warm beach in the Caribbean. This sweet and savory combination pairs well with Asian food, pork or even your favorite dessert.

Pineapple Oasis Hot Sauce


    संबंधित उत्पाद


    ग्राहक सेवा: 815-710-5047


    हमारे स्टोर पर जाएँ

    411 लिबर्टी स्ट्रीट, मॉरिस, आईएल। 60450

    दुकान घंटे:

    रविवार: बंद

    सोमवार-शनिवार: 10-4

    *घंटे अलग-अलग मौसम के अनुसार

    हमारे पर का पालन करें




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